Global Education Assistance

Our Contribution

All Services

We are fund raising 50000 fcfa per active member each year. The primary service is to pay children school fees especially for those whose parents cannot afford to do so.

Social Assistance

The social assistance stems from school fees handling to health care and didatics materials such as text books, note books and basic equipments.

Follow Ups / Alumnis

The recruits are followed up from the first year to the end of the corresponding cycle of studies.

Why choose GLEA ?

Education Assistance

We are here for the needy but clever bunch of citizen that are to be trained to earn a decent living in the future. Your donation to this cause is highly appreciated. Please tell your friends about us. Thank you.

Top Level

GLEA, is a registered NGO (Non Governmental Organization) and liable to sponsorshiping with Educational partners.

Quality Meeting

We are a team of active members and associates. Our association is called GLOBAL EDUCATION ASSISTANCE and we are based in the South West region in Cameroon, central Africa.

Take a dream from birth to maturity by helping children in need of financial assistance !

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